Are you Arbėresh?

You might be! If your ancestors lived in Italy, it's possible that you might be Arbėresh. If they lived in the Sicilian towns of Mezzojuso, Piana degli Albanesi, Contessa Entellina, or Palazzo Adriano, or the Calabrian town of Falconara, then there's a pretty good chance that there's some Arbėresh blood coursing through your veins. And if you or your ancestors have last names like Schiro, Reres, Cuccia, Sulli, or Bua, then it might very well be time to send out announcements to family and friends that you're Arbėresh!

So what's an Arbėresh? The Arbėresh are people who migrated, or fled, from Albania to Italy beginning in the 15th Century. Many Italians, and people of Italian descent, have Arbėresh, or Albanian, ancestry. If you'd like to find out more about the Arbėresh, you're invited to subscribe to Clan Cyberesh, the Arbėresh Internet Mailing List.

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